At Fintokei by Purple, we believe trading talent is everywhere - it just needs the right opportunity to shine. The probl...
You simply can’t do prop trading without a broker. The demo servers that power our trading challenges and funded account...
Trading isn’t some superpower - it’s a skill that anyone with enough determination can learn, and we were ready to prove...
StartTrader now has a brand-new system! This program for beginner and intermediate traders has always had one goal: to h...
This year has been an incredible ride. We’ve paid out over $7,600,000 to traders, expanded globally, and launched the ne...
We’ve said it countless times before - at Fintokei, we’re looking for consistent traders. It’s a message we’ve repeated ...
We’re here to move heaven and earth for our clients. That’s why we’re always on the lookout for new ways to create the b...
Prop trading and its challenges are attracting more and more traders. Who wouldn't love the satisfaction of seeing that ...
The excellence of Fintokei traders shone through despite the market’s slower pace. In June, they found opportunities mai...
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